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Home/Customer Service
Gift Vouchers
禮票券使用規則 Coming Soon
Rules for Product (Service) Vouchers:
This product (service) voucher (gift voucher) may only be used within Fab Green Village operated by Fabulous Culture Co., Ltd; however, it may not be used at 7-ELEVEN, Ambassador Theatres and the shops within (prohibited merchants will be based on those listed on this website).
  1. Use of gift vouchers will not generate a receipt as one was issued at the time of purchase.
  2. This gift voucher includes a main and sub vouchers that must be used together simultaneously.
  3. This gift voucher may redeem products of equal monetary value; use of the voucher requires submitting the main and sub vouchers to service staff.
  4. If the product or service exceeds the monetary value of the gift voucher, the consumer must pay the difference; this company will issue a receipt for the monetary difference paid; if products and services are less than the monetary value of gift vouchers, this company will issue change in the form of gift vouchers.
  5. Any alterations will render the gift voucher void; violators found committing forgery, alteration, or exercising and submitting forged and altered products will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  6. This gift voucher is anonymous, and any loss, theft, or destruction of the voucher will not result in reissue. If the gift voucher is damaged or warped causing critical content (including the main, secondary vouchers) to be unidentifiable, a request may be submitted to exchange identifiable amounts with gift vouchers (each reissue requires a processing fee of NT$ 50).
  7. The monetary value represented by this gift voucher is guaranteed under escrow by Cathay United Bank and is valid with the manager’s seal from the Guanqian Branch of Cathay United Bank.
  8. Any refund requests require the original copies of the gift vouchers (including main and secondary vouchers) as well as receipt or purchase. This company will handle refunds with a processing fee equal to 3% of the refunded amount.
  9. Gift voucher Service Line: 02-26218555
Gift vouchers issued by Fab Green Village are guaranteed under escrow by Cathay United Bank.
Gift Voucher Contract Information: https://www.cathaybk.com.tw/cathaybk/Gift_voucher.asp